Most people have heard of homeschooling, and most people have also hear of people who RV full time. Most people, however, are not aware that there are many families who homeschool and RV full time. That's right, there are dozens of families around the country who not only homeschool their children, but choose to do it as they RV full time as well.
Families that homeschool and RV full time often have similar reasons for doing so. Many of these families are lead by parents who previously managed stressful and demanding careers. Although they were succeeding financially, they were missing more than they wanted to miss when it came to their children and decided the trade off wasn't worth it. Others found less stressful ways to keep their careers and manage them from the road, while being able to spend all of their time with their families.
For many families who homeschool, their educational endeavors seem to eventually become intertwined into every other aspect of their lives. Every moment becomes an opportunity for learning. Who can think of a better way to teach children about their world, then to hop in an RV and travel to all the different places they would otherwise be learning of through books. Many homeschooling parents who RV with their children find that they can incorporate countless field trips into their daily lives.
Homeschooling while traveling in an RV full time is not a new concept. In fact, there are many accounts of families of decades past who chose this way of life. During the nineteen seventies, one couple converted a bus for their brood of nearly ten children and lived in it so that they could travel the world and basically do nothing but surf! Today this family would definitely fall into the homeschool sub category of unschoolers, but it goes to show that the concept of families learning while living in an RV is not a new one.
These families who homeschool and travel full time in an RV do not just stay in the states, either. One family with over half a dozen children, also converted a school bus to live in. However, they're not staying local, instead they are travelling the world. A radical concept to many, but it can't be denied that this family has found a way to take advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity. Rather, to create that opportunity for themselves.
So whether you think the concept of homeschooling while travelling in an RV full time is sane or not, be on the lookout for these adventurous families, as this trend is sure to be one that grows.